3 Pounds in 3 Years

3 Pounds in 3 Years

“Have you ever set out to meet a healthy goal and it’s taken much longer than you anticipated? Ever made attempts to take better care of yourself and life has other plans?

I can say 100% YES to both.”

Her Story: with Julie Sergent

Her Story: with Julie Sergent

When I decided to open my own practice, I had a pretty "cushy job" working as a physical therapist at an army hospital. BUT I had a long commute, and there was no way for me to advance in that setting since I was not active duty. I officially started Sergent Wellness in 2014 as a side hustle. I quit my other jobs and devoted myself 100% to my business in Nov 2016.

Announcing Living Full @Sergent Wellness

Announcing Living Full @Sergent Wellness

Join others who, like you, are tired of the hamster-wheel of wellness. If you’ve gone round and round with every diet. If you had workout videos with more lycra than Lululemon. If you have started and stopped more “new year, new me” programs than you can count, Living Full is for you.

Acute Pain & Swelling R.I.C.E. Reconsidered

Acute Pain & Swelling R.I.C.E. Reconsidered

If you google or ask your doctor what to do for acute pain & swelling, R.I.C.E. is often the universally accepted answer. It’s automatic, you get an injury, you ice the injury, you get back to it? Or do you? Since the late 70’s, the field of sports medicine has advanced greatly in how acute injury is managed, however many healthcare practitioners continue to provide outdated advice. With advanced exercise concepts and evidence based methods at our fingertips, it’s time we all catch up!

Top 3 Ways to Prevent Injury in Youth Athletes

Top 3 Ways to Prevent Injury in Youth Athletes

In youth sports has the perception that  “more is better” and youth athletes recover more quickly from hard workouts than adults; however, because children and adolescents are still growing and developing, they actually require more time than adults for recovery between high volume and high intensity training session. Youth and high school athletes need to understand 2 things about recovery. 

Scoop Business of the Week: Sergent Wellness

Scoop Business of the Week: Sergent Wellness

Feature from Louisville Scoop.

“Here at Louisville Scoop, we have opened your eyes to a multitude of new fitness trends and ways to change up your old routine. But what about if you’re feeling some soreness from trying new things and are looking to get some expert opinions before you jump into something new? Look no further than Sergent Wellness! “