
Julie Sergent, PT, DPT

Doctorate of Physical Therapy, Bellarmine University

Level I & II Functional Dry Needling

Selective Functional Movement Assessment

Association of PEMF Professionals

Kinesiotape Certified Practitioner

Accommodations from the U.S. Military for her service to soldiers at Ft. Knox, KY.

From a very young age Dr. Julie was exposed to the infinite benefits of Physical Therapy. Growing up, Julie’s mother was a nanny for a wonderful family and one of the children was traumatically injured in a car accident at the age of 6 months old. Resulting from the accident, she was confined to a wheelchair, completely dependent on caregivers, and required multiple surgeries over the years. She spent several days per week working with physical and occupational therapists through all developmental stages. Being 2 weeks apart from her in age, Dr. Julie spent the first 6 years of life seeing her friend endure the challenges in simple tasks instead of being able to play carelessly. Today, she is honored to have observed that period of recovery and is forever grateful since it was this experience that opened her eyes to such a rewarding career.