Doctors are the worst...

...patients. I'm sure you've heard it said. I am the rule, not the exception. 

I remember this run like it was yesterday. It was a gorgeous Sunday afternoon and my husband & I were on mile 5 of a 10 mile run, our LAST run before the big race and I suddenly felt a pain in my left foot.

Not just an ache or catch I could jog off but a sharp pain that stopped me in my tracks. When I realized I couldn’t shake it off, I made the 2 mile hobble home.

That evening, I had convinced myself it was a sprain or a fluke pain and that I’d plant my feet the next morning and feel as though nothing had happened. (This is what I call: Post-Injury Denial Syndrome. Don’t judge, you know you’ve been there too!)

The next morning, my foot still hurt. That week, I had self diagnosed that I was dealing with a stress fracture and I most definitely would not be running anytime soon. The unusual part about my stress fracture is that I had never experienced pain in my foot prior to the time of injury. I experienced shin splints here and there but nothing in my foot.

Now, before I go on, there's a few things I want you to know...

  1. I’m a P.T. and I’m not supposed to get injured.

  2. I had trained for 4 months, ran 4 days/week while working 50+ hrs/week, oh and I had 2 hrs of commute time...this was pre motherhood so in retrospect I actually had PLENTY of time!

A few days later, I saw an orthopedic doctor and my suspicions were confirmed.  

X-rays, 1 MRI, 2 crutches and a CAM boot later, I was humbled knowing that I’m not above injuries of ANY kind. I was sentenced to the CAM boot and non weight-bearing as long as pain was present. As someone who never sits down, this was not an easy one to swallow.  How long did this take ?!?….I will share the rest in my next post as my 1.5 yr old needs me to wipe, hold, kiss, make, or pour something…
